La câţiva kilometri de Vidsel eo zonă de munte cu o cascadă imensă. Apa curge atât de repede şi se loveşte de bolovani încât aerul e cuprins parcă de un abur intens. Excursia acolo a fost ca un fel de expediţie. ...
The next comparable missile or UAV's test site is bVidsel/b in Sweden but due to the long winters in that country bVidsel/b is shut down for a large part of the year. Surely it is in both the UK and European future interests that Benbecula is b....../b Today, the landowner's power is diminished and the chieftain's link with his people is lost, but many old families continue to cling to vast bestate/b. The traditional lairds have been joined in the ownership of Scotland by foreign ...